Friday, August 24, 2007

OK, raise your hand if you want to see a miracle!

Are you raising your hand?

Your AVAILABILITY will allow you to be used by God. It's true. Try this next Sunday in church:

Go up to someone, it can be a visitor or it can be a long time member. Strike up a conversation with them. Just general chit-chat. But this time, instead of saying, "I'm so glad you came, see ya next week".....say, "Is there anything I can pray with you about?"

Watch what happens. You will enable God to work a miracle through you! The Power of God will flow right through you as you take that person's hand and pray for them, whether it's for healing, finances, addictions, marriage struggles, or anything else. Try it. You'll see. Then send me an email and tell me what happens. I'm expecting a miracle to be worked through YOU!

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