The Lord is calling you to be filled to overflowing with the power of His love. If you will seek Him daily over the next twelve months for the release of His love in your life, you will be transformed. The power of His love in you will become so strong that everywhere you go, His favor and blessings will come upon you and overtake you. These blessings will be released through you to others. The more you receive of His love, the more you will give out and the more you give out, the more you will receive. As you pursue His love every day by making it your greatest aim, you will know its power. Its power will astound you! It will unlock healing, provision, miracles, supernatural experiences, wisdom, hidden mysteries, and multiplied grace. Every area of your life will come under blessing as you pursue love.
You will actually feel its tangible presence in your midst.
As you daily soak and meditate on His love, its tangible presence will be felt by you and those around you. Some will break down and cry as it will be so strong. Your enemies will want to be your friends. The more you exude love, the more you will find people asking you things like, “What is so different about you? Why do I feel so good around you? What makes you like this?” In many cases, you won’t even say anything, people will just feel it. You will find them looking at you in wonderment. They will be wondering, “What is this tangible power?”
This love will clothe you, deliver you, and bless you
This love will clothe you in humility. It will deliver you from self-consciousness, fear, and pride. This love will make you so soft in your dealings with others and yet it will cause you to be stronger in character than you have ever been before. This love will bring you into great peace and will fill you with compassion beyond anything you could imagine. This love will unlock a generosity in you that when it is released will cause blessing to come back upon you in unimaginable measures. You will even think at times, “I can’t take any more blessings. I am overcome! How could I possibly receive any more?”
This love will heal and strengthen marriages and families
The power of this love will heal and strengthen your marriages and families and make your home a haven of bliss. Your households will be like heaven on earth. The invasion of His love into your homes will result in the prodigals coming home and unsaved family members seeing the light. They will run to God’s love in you. They will feel accepted, forgiven, affirmed and celebrated by you. They will want to be close. If you commit to being filled with the love of God, past hurts will be healed and some broken relationships that looked like they were irrepairable shall be completely restored. The testimonies will then build faith in those who hear. They will say, “If God can do that, then there is hope for me too.”
This love will invade the church
This love will invade Church congregations like a whirlwind if you will pursue it. Relationships will be healed and the strife, division, and contention that once destroyed will now be demolished. The world will see the love of Jesus through the church and will be drawn to the safety they find within the house. A new move of the Holy Spirit will be unleashed if you will daily pursue His love over the next twelve months. It will be a move of great power, for those who are perfected in love can be trusted with power.
Love is a high voltage current
The Body of Christ will experience the power of His love breaking through like water being released through a dam if His love is the greatest aim. The current of it will be that of the highest voltage. Nothing will be able to stand in the way of its power. Compassion will escalate to such proportions that floods of finance and provision will be released to the poor of the world like never before.
Many will “go”
Individuals who are filled with this love will be literally willing to lay down everything in order to go to the remotest parts of the world to share this love with the poor, the suffering, and the broken. This love will so transform you that you will not desire anything for yourself, but you will live to serve and give to the needs of others. The power of selfishness will be broken. The power of fear will be broken. The first and second commandments will be fulfilled in your life. You will love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your strength and you will love your neighbor as yourself.
Love will be tested
Your love will be tested, but you will pass every test. When offense comes to tempt you, you will overcome. When bitterness attempts to fill your emotions, you will rise up above it. When judgment and criticism knocks at the door of your heart you will refuse to open it. You will choose patience in order to deal with individuals who might test you. You will choose kindness to deal with your enemies and those who oppose you. You will not listen to gossip and you will always believe the best of others. You will be perfected in love as you overcome all the obstacles because this is your greatest aim.
The Love Mentor
The Holy Spirit is your Mentor. He will teach you how to love. He will be at your side every day to show you how to love. He will inspire you with creative ways to minister God’s love. He will visit you with tangible visitations. Angels will be sent to minister love to you so that you will minister His love more effectively. All of heaven will cheer you on when you chose to make love your greatest aim.
Nothing can contain this love
This love is pure. This love will put relationships in right order. This love will not cross lines that would feed lustful passions. This love is holy. This love will heal the homosexual community. This love will visit prisons, brothels, drug houses, inner city streets, as well as government institutions, schools, hospitals, and the market place. Nothing can contain the flood of God’s love that is coming if the church believes for it.
You will see the miraculous
Wherever the presence of love is found, you will see the miraculous. The sick will be healed, the demonized will be set free, the poor will be cared for, and miracles, signs and wonders will be present. As you pursue this unconditional, all powerful force of love, you will experience open heavens. You will experience a revelation of the cross. You will know the fullness of the power of Christ, for He is love. If you make love your greatest aim, the gifts of the Spirit will increase in your life and the prophetic especially will mature in you.
Entire communities will be touched
If love becomes the greatest aim of the church, entire communities will be touched by it. It will be like an epidemic. You will read about this “love movement” in the newspapers, in magazines, and you will hear testimonies on the media. Once the fire of His love is lit, it will be unstoppable. It will spread like a wild fire that blazes through a forest.
Make it your aim
Make it your goal to know His love and to be the most loving person on the face of the earth. Make it your aim to be known above all things for your love. Make it your focus to manifest the presence of love everywhere you go. His love is the greatest power. He is love and you have been made in His image. This is what you were created for. You are a container for His love.
You will be just like your Father in heaven
If you pursue His love everyday over the next twelve months and if you make love your greatest aim passing the tests of opposition that come your way, you will see holy transformation in every area of your life. You will establish a beachhead for ongoing victories. You will establish a foundation of blessing and grace that cannot be shaken. You will set your life on a godly course that will produce eternal fruit. You will experience answers to prayer within the twelve months that you might have thought were impossible. Even unspoken desires will be given to you if you pursue love. The more you love others, the more you will be loved by others. The more you bless the more you will be blessed. Your life will be like heaven on earth. You will be just like your Father in heaven, if you pursue love and make it your greatest aim.
The Bible is full of exhortation to love. God is love and as we grow in Him, we will grow in love. We will reflect His character and nature.
At the cross, Jesus demonstrated love in the face of everything that could challenge and test it. He had been betrayed, denied, abandoned, slandered, beaten, humiliated, and grossly mistreated. The crowds shouted their declarations of hatred and yet He never withdrew love. He was committed in the midst of the most intense testing to lavish us with perfect eternal love…a love that He would never withdraw.
This kind of love is our aim. 1 Corinthians 14:1 says in the Living Bible, “Let love be your greatest aim…” Can you imagine what the Body of Christ would look like in the world if each of us made love our greatest aim? Maybe that is what Jesus meant when He said in John 13:35, “By this shall all men know that you are My disciples if you have love…”
It is easy to say, “I love you” but in order for love to be establish it needs to be tested. Each of us, like Jesus, need to take up our cross daily (Matthew 16:24). The cross is the testing place of love. What is our response when we are mistreated like Jesus was? Will we forgive, love, and show mercy or will we withdraw love?
Let's press on to walk in perfect love. Let us love the Lord with all our hearts, minds and strength and love others as ourselves. May the perfect love of Jesus be our standard, our goal, our aim.
- Week One: 1 Corinthians 13
- Week Two: John 13 - 15
- Week Three: 1 John
- Week Four: Romans 8:28-39; Romans 12:9,10; Galatians 5:6-14
We are already seeing the fruits of this great Love Revolution down-town. God's Word does not return void. His promises are real and are powerful and are happening everyday through His people. It's been a phenomenal ride for our ministry team. Go love somebody to LIFE today!
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